Getting to know me

So what's it about, I hear you ask? Fi? Magic? Writing? Well, to be honest, all of the above. I already run two blogs for my home businesses, Haven Crystal Gifts and Murdering The Text but I wanted something that was a little more about just me and my life. I started this blog as an outlet for my writing, thoughts and inspirations.

For the past twelve years, I have been writing murder mystery plays for amateur dramatics groups and general fundraisers, but I've also been living with an idea for a novel, in fact several ideas. Last year I put pen to paper (ok, fingers to keys) and started my novel 'Split', a fantasy novel set in a future world. I aim to use this blog to discuss my writing progress, along with any other writing news I may have.

I'd also like to use this space to discuss other writerly topics - subjects connected with my novel, operating as a writing mum, links and contacts that other writers may find useful.

So here we go. Welcome to the Haven. Enjoy!


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